Last call for sumbissions to Clintyclay’s proposal for Transformation to Integrated Status

clonmore-admin August 6, 2014 0
Last call for sumbissions to Clintyclay’s proposal for Transformation to Integrated Status

Please remember that the closing date to state your support for the Clintyclay proposal to transform to integrated status is Monday 11th August. Your letters must be received by the Monday so please post them no later than Saturday. Development Proposal 315 can be read here –

The template letter below can be used if you find it useful.

Letter of support

The petition page below can be used to gather signatures of support. If you chose to help in this manner please ensure that you leave the petition with a member of the steering group. Alternatively you can post it directly to DENI but we would ask that you retain a copy and forward the copy to the steering group.


Other useful information:

Our neighbouring controlled schools are oversubscribed – for the 2013/14 year Orchard County received 29 first preference applications for their approved 21 places ultimately accepting 25 due to a temporary variation allowance. Likewise Killyman PS received 32 applications for 26 spaces and was ultimately allowed to accept 29 of those children..

Our closest Integrated schools are also at capacity with Portadown Integrated Primary School ultimately accepting all 42 first choice applications for 29 approved places and Windmill Integrated in Dungannon filling 29 of its 30 approved places. In comparison Clintyclay filled 6 of its approved 7 places for the 2013/2014 year.

There is undoubtedly room for an Integrated Primary School within the area.

Please take 5 minutes to support this proposal.

Comments are closed.