Health – useful links

clonmore-admin May 4, 2012 0
Health – useful links

South Tyrone Hospital

South Tyrone Hospital provides patient care for the elderly and a comprehensive range of day surgery, day procedures, outpatient, diagnostic and treatment support services for a range of specialities.

Minor injuries unit 9amto9pm

GP Out Of Hours Services (must telephone first) contact – 0870 600 6009

South Tyrone Hospital
Carland Road
BT71 4AU
Tel: 028 8772 2821
Fax: 028 8772 7332

Department of Health and Social Services and Public Safety

DHSSPS carries overall responsibility to the Northern Ireland Assembly for health and social care services inNorthern Ireland

Public Health Agency

PHAhas responsibility for health protection and screening and health improvement and development to improve overall public health

Health & Social Care Business Services Organisation

Has responsibility for the provision of a range of business support and specialist professional services to the whole of the Health and Social Care sector

Southern Health & Social Care Trust

The trust provides a wide range of hospital, community and primary care to the populations of Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon and Dungannon.

NHS Direct

A website/phoneline providing expert health advice, information and reassurance, using telephone service and website

Health & Social care Northern Ireland

A website providing links to the various health services such as GPs, health Boards, Agencies etc.


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